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About Water Purification HQ

There are two possible reasons why you are here. You are either already obsessed with contaminant free water and want the absolute best for yourself. Or you don’t yet know that you are obsessed with contaminant free water. You are just getting started.

We are in the first category, but we spent a long time in the second. Ignorance is indeed bliss.

This site was started as a rather unserious side project. But a funny thing happened. We actually started learning more about the water we were drinking. We became concerned. Scared, even. These days, some would call us paranoid. But once you know the truth about something, you can’t hide from it. Willful amnesia is not a thing — as far as we know.

So starting now, in September 2022, you are going to see some updated content that specifically addresses all of the hazards in our water supply. From microplastics and chlorine to pharmaceuticals and heavy metals.

Older articles that we wrote are going to be updated with current and more robust information. We will also be publishing plenty of new articles on new topics, products and sources of immaculate, fresh, “raw” water.

For most people, water purity is an afterthought. Some may have a pour-through filter in their fridge or perhaps a filter on their tap. These may make them feel better, but they are superficial changes that don’t address the root problem. They are not solutions.

We need to radically rethink how we consume something that is so elemental and critical to our survival. As is the case with our aspects of our health and wellbeing, we need to be looking at what we consume with a critical eye.

For questions or comments, please see our contact page.

Photo credit: flickr user mcconnell.franklin