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What you Should Avoid when it Comes to Purifying Water

what to avoid when it comes to purifying your water

We spend almost all of our time here talking about the specific things you should do if you want to purify your water at home. In this post, we will do the opposite – we will tell you exactly what you shouldn’t do if you truly want to be drinking pure water. Sometimes, this format can be just as helpful as it can provide a good baseline and get you thinking the right way off the bat.

Chemical treatment

Notice I used the word treatment in this case. You would be hard pressed to find the phrase “chemical purification of water.” That’s because it’s not really possible to reach purity if you are using chemicals to do so. In fact, in many ways, water purification is about eliminating things from the water and often, those things are chemicals. Chlorine and other substances may help you create potable water that is safe for drinking, but do not be mistaken, this water will not be pure by any means.

Bottled water

Most bottled water is glorified tap water and don’t let anyone ever tell you otherwise. Sure, there are companies like Fiji that are actually bottling their water at the source of spring, but buying water from them will put a dent in your wallet and it is not sustainable. It’s certainly not anywhere near sustainable if you plan on having purified water throughout your entire house. That is why we have recommended repeatedly that people look into a variety of filters or even whole house systems as a solution. Bottled water is a band aid, not a solution, and it won’t get you very far.

Things that sound too good to be true

There are many marketers and salesmen who are hawking products that sound miraculous. You know what I’m talking about, right? Products that will purify gallons of waters in seconds, zap it up with lasers, pump in minerals and pleasant odors and generally put everything in the universe in its right place. No, in general, if it sounds too good to be true, it is. Take caution when making purchases and look for things that have been well-reviewed and extensively reviewed. The exception to this rule (“if it’s too good to be true, avoid it”) is of course, findaspring.com and other services like it. Check out our post on finding spring water (often it’s free, too) over here.

Well, there you have it, a few things that you should always avoid when it comes to water purification. If you have any of your own, go ahead and toss them in the comments section below. This is by no means a comprehensive list!

Photo credit: flickr user einahpets32

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